A Positive Impact

We believe that every company should take steps to reduce emissions and our team is committed to developing projects that have a positive impact on the planet. With our extensive supplier and product knowledge, we’ll help you understand the environmental impact of your project and reach your sustainability targets. We regularly meet our supplier network and educate our team in accredited certification schemes. We can work with your project teams to achieve Breeam, WELL and LEED accreditations.

Sustainability Policy

Our strategy is defined by our promotion of craftsmanship and the circular economy. We focus on a made-to-last philosophy and support suppliers that value longevity, source materials locally, support their communities, and embrace responsible manufacturing. Craftsmanship can mean handmade heritage or embracing new materials and technologies to improve sustainability. 

At Workform, we believe that every company should take steps to reduce emissions and our team is committed to developing projects that have a positive impact on the planet. With our extensive supplier and product knowledge, we’ll help you understand the environmental impact of your project and reach your sustainability targets.

We regularly meet with our supplier network and educate our team in accredited certification schemes. If you’re looking to improve your green credentials, we can work with your project teams to achieve Breeam, WELL and LEED accreditations.

Company footprint

Our journey as a sustainable company has evolved since our inception back in 2006. We are proud to have a small carbon footprint and continue to proactively reduce our emissions and promote sustainable practices through our circular economy initiatives. 

We use couriers and shipping companies with forward-thinking sustainable policies, encourage staff to live locally, and regularly work from home to reduce our travel emissions.

In addition, we are committed to achieving the following aims:

  • Becoming a UK Green Building Council Member.
  • A commitment to be Carbon Positive
  • Achieving Planet Mark Sustainability Certification.
  • Donating 2% of annual profits to local rewilding and biodiversity initiatives.

Solar Powered, Dedicated Logistics Hub

We have moved to our own dedicated solar powered logistical hub which enables us to consolidate deliveries and reduce waste through reuse, recycling, and responsible disposal of packaging. It also enables us to take back products to be refurbished, resold or dismantled into its component parts and recycled as part of our push towards a circular based business model. We use our own means of transport to maximise route efficiency and reduce emissions by collecting our own waste and packaging.

Our circular Economy

Reducing consumption means less energy and raw materials used. We plan to utilise the concept of a circular economy to break the take, make, and waste cycle by giving products a second life. We take back all of our products for refurbishment, to be resold, reused, or donated. Products beyond repair or second life are dismantled into component parts and recycled. We work with skilled craftsmen to reupholster or reassemble products and prolong their life. We believe products should adhere to the concept of a circular design and function, underpinned by craftsmanship, sustainable ways of sourcing raw materials and ease of component circulation through quick and efficient disassembly and reassembly.

Craftsmanship, Material Selection and Innovation

The products we make, select or curate for projects are designed by the most talented & remarkable architects, and interior designers. We aim to supply products that are made to be timeless; not intended for disposable use or quick fashion. We believe craftsmanship, design and material selection are the bedrock of sustainable product development. Products designed to be more durable and hard-wearing, are by default more easily repaired or taken back for resale or reuse at the end of their first life. Futures craft can mean inventive and forward-thinking initiatives through the development of novel materials or processes and technologies designed to make efficient use of resources, reduce pollution, or support healthy ecosystems.

Locality and Supplier Analysis

We value brands that manufacturer their products in-house and source components or outsourced manufacturing processes in close locality to the assembly site. Production near the site of raw materials generally reduces embodied carbon substantially. We aim to support as many local companies and initiatives as possible. We deal with a big pool of high-quality furniture and lightening companies, who are all working hard to develop their own sustainability policies. We are committed in our approach to sourcing and promoting responsible, sustainable practices by applying a clear structure to our project methodology and are happy to recommend suppliers and products that meet your sustainability criteria.